Monday, July 13, 2009

WOD 7/13/09 FRAN!

OK, so what's your Fran time? Well now I know (and I think mine sucks)!

Sets of 21-15-9 of the following:
Thrusters (m95;f65)

After deciding together last night what time we would show up (5:45am) I arrived late, but it was sure good to see Tim Sr. there at the same time, I did as much of the warm-up as I could before Matt called us all in. I practiced I was really strong on the 27lbs I did good on the 40lbs and I did the 45lbs (69% standard female weight). I struggled with making sure I kept on my heels which should have been my first indicator to stay at the 40lbs, but I didn't. After we started I Tried to keep up but I have never been a good squater and I think the weight was just a little too heavy for me. I strugled (I think the first 5 were strong) every time almost from the begining to get the weight over head. Then going to pull-ups what a joke I had to use the same muscles (and um, by the way, I'm like way hevier than that 45lbs bar I was trying to lift)!!! Man, every round was the same I only got more tired. While I was trying to finish up my second round I heard Tim Sr. say "time." Luckily I was the last one still doing the workout during my last round and I had everyone cheering me on, even Mary from the 5:00am class was there. OMG was I tired!!!!! But I kept it up. I finished 9:05 not the longest time of the day but deffinetly the longest of our group. So I only get one point for today (actually, all that you just read and if by chance you saw me today was just a show to get Tim Sr. inspired to keep coming the rest of the week;).

Pam said she would send me pictures b/c she decided to take some since Tim Sr. and I showed up at the same time. So, I will post them ASAP. Tim Sr. also said that he would post too I'm sure he will want to let us know that Adoy was awake this morning and able to come and help him train. I guess Adoy has a strict policy about not training before 5:45am.

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